NEW ERA Team proudly presents 930sqm of huge land with House and modern Granny flat, in the heart of Blacktown. Minutes away to Kmart, Blacktown station, Westpoint shopping center, schools, and all amenities. Potential for future development (STCA).
Don’t miss the opportunity to buy this Dual income property!
Main House:
* Timber flooring throughout
* Spacious lounge area
* 2 good sized bedrooms and spacious bathroom
* Separate kitchen with separate dining and ample storage space
* Sunroom with access to backyard
* Spacious Storage shed and huge backyard
* Currently leased at $320 Per Week and willing to stay long term.
Granny flat:
* Modern granny flat with quality finishes
* Two bedrooms with built-in robes and tiled throughout
* Modern kitchen with quality appliances
* Spacious living with plenty of natural light
* Good sized yard with ample play area for kids and parties
* Completely fenced off and private access.
* Currently leased at $350 Per Week.
* 2 mins to Blacktown west public school
* 3 mins to Westpoint shopping center
* 3 mins to Blacktown 24/7 Kmart
* 4 mins to Blacktown station
* 5 mins to Blacktown showgrounds
* 10 mins to Marsden Park Business Park
This location offers the convenience of all the services. You are only moments away from Schools, Childcares, Shopping centers and Public transport.
Please call Praveen on 0411 479 417 or Jeevan on 0430 999 535 to arrange private inspections.
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